Scientists warn that we’re in the midst of a mass extinction brought on by climate change and widespread pollution. Fortunately, many facets of society are committed to saving the planet.
As part of this process, many environmental sustainability apps have been created to supplement green practices. Here are a few of the best apps that, if leveraged, can quickly become part of a broader solution.
A Carbon Footprint Calculator
Now you can easily calculate your personal carbon footprint by evaluating your daily use of energy, whether it be driving, electricity consumption, food selection or what you do for fun. Oreoco is a downloadable app for Android or iOS that can help you lower the amount of carbon and greenhouse gases you emit in your life activities,
Oreoco not only helps you but enables you to challenge your community to get involved. That app allows you to share, compete and collaborate with friends. In a fun and non-judgemental way, Oreoco gets everyone on the same sustainability page giving this app a cumulatively positive effect.
Gardening Made Easy
For every $1 you spend on a vegetable garden you get $25 back out in food. Now people living in urban settings with limited growing space can get a garden started using iHuerting. This app provides a step-by-step guide to help you become an urban farmer. If you have a small patio, terrace or tiny plot of land, you can grow a considerable amount of your own food every year. iHuerting walks you through planting, watering fertilizing, soil preparation, harvesting and more.
Connected Solidarity
JoinIn is an app that embodies the concept of “think globally, act locally.” Its primary function is to get groups of people working together on the same page in ways that can lead to greater environmental sustainability.
Don’t Drive – Bike
There is no greater way to strike a blow against climate change than to stop driving a car. At the very least, biking more and driving less truly helps, especially if millions of people do it. Bikemap puts more than three million kilometers of bike routes at your fingertips.