As temperatures start to drop and the snow starts to fall everyone is trying anything they can to stay as warm as possible. Although there’s a higher need for energy there’s plenty of easy sustainable ways to get you through the season. Wearing more layers of clothing and sitting by the fire are great ways to stay green and avoid unnecessary energy. These tips below are great ways to guide you through a sustainable winter. 

Get a Humidifier

Once the air outside gets cooler, it’s normal for indoor air to get dry and uncomfortable for many. An easy way to moisten the air is by getting a humidifier in your home. This can also help your home retain more heat and feel more comfortable. You can find humidifiers at just about any store in all shapes and sizes. If you don’t want to get a traditional humidifier you can look into houseplants. This is the best way to naturally release moisture in the air while adding green to any room. 

Switching up Your Fans

Believe it or not but setting your fan to rotate clockwise rather than counterclockwise can help the heat in your home. Heat rises but when a fan is in a clockwise direction the hot air gets stuck under the ceiling and pushes back down to the ground. It’s also important to note that your fan doesn’t have to be at a high speed and this technique can work at your fan’s lowest setting.

Seal Up Gaps

One of the common ways that energy is lost in a home is by gaps and holes. Walk around your house and search for places where air is leaving and you can feel the cold from outside. If you don’t have the fund to fix the problem right away there’s plenty of insulation materials that you can install yourself. Some of the most common places to look are under your doors and your windows. Boarding up your windows with plastic is a very effective way to stop that cold air from coming in.

Thermostat Settings

Always base your indoor temperature on what it’s feeling like outside. During the winter months, it’s normal to have your thermostat at 67-70 degrees while at home. In order to save energy and money when it comes to your bills you can lower your thermostat at night or when you’re not home. Changing your thermostat too often won’t help you much but changing it for periods longer than 8 hours can save you up to 10% on your heating bill.